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Account Statements

Account Statements

What are account statements? The account activity of a customer with your company is summarized in an account statement. Customers can keep a record of their transactions and payments with the help of statements. They can also be used to display the total amount owed to consumers who are simultaneously paying several bills.

Blixo enables you to easily generate account statements for your clients. We will work through creating account statements in this article. Blixo can automatically generate the following kinds of statements:

  • Balance Forward
  • Open Items

How to Issue a Balance Forward Statement

The whole invoice, payment, and credit note activity for a given time period is displayed on a Balance Forward statement. The Balance Forward statement maintains a running balance for each entry in the statement and begins with the previous balance from the preceding statement. Your customer’s account balance as of the conclusion of the statement period is also shown on the statement.

The following describes how to create a Balance Forward statement:

  1. Log into the Blixo dashboard and open the customer’s account. Select Generate Statement under Actions.
  2. Choose the date range the statement should cover and click Balance Forward.
  3. Select either Send or Download to send the statement to your customer via email, letter, or text message.

How to Issue an Open Items Statement

All of the unpaid invoices for a client account are displayed on an Open Items statement. Another choice is to display only past-due invoices rather than all outstanding invoices. The entire balance owed for the corresponding invoices will be displayed on the Open Items statement.

Open Items Statement

How to create an Open Items statement is as follows:

  1. Log into the Blixo dashboard and open the customer’s account. Select Generate Statement under Actions.
  2. Make the date range the statement should cover selection under Open Items.
  3. Select either Send or Download to send the statement to your customer via email, letter, or text message.